Planning and Planting around your home or work place can be a super cost effective way to update your home, create positive energy and vibrancy by inviting, cultivating and nourishing your piece of earth into beautiful private and shared outdoor spaces.
The Design Process (planning) is the most important part and the first step. Even just a few areas at a time can make a huge impact on your daily life & wellbeing, as well as the amplifying the aesthetics of your property. It is so simple, it's often overlooked, but good design and planning is well worth the time and investment!
When not much is visibly happening in the southern garden, this little personal area is ramping up for a theatrical late winter into spring show! Comprised mostly of natives and found plants from the original grounds of a 1890 Craftsman style home. Some of the plants like the Trillium were found 'out and about' and transplanted to this very naturalized area. It does not look like much in the summer months, just a loose mix of evergreen leaves of ground covers holding on until winter has set in and spring is peaking around the corner. But when all is in gloom and it is cold outside the Hellebores are blooming pinkish to purple amazing blooms followed by Awesome Trilliums with loose sprays of returning naturalized violets and other fun white flowering bulbs, yellow striped Crocus and Grape Hyacinth. Each year I try to gain a little more ground by digging up crowded areas and dividing the tubers and bulbs and replanting in scarce areas. It's just a gorgeous little intimate area that brings joy and hope during the cold months. Just added a white Hellebore this past year so hoping it does well so I can start to divide it and mass it in years to come.
Hand Made Vine Ball centers these copper window boxes in this lively fall into winter live and dried greenery display.
This was a Local Project for me, A great Estate Owned by Matt and Shay Reed. They purchased the classic brick home ten years ago and have recently done a complete remodel to encompass their ever growing family and provide welcoming surroundings for friends and family.
The home is centrally located on the 30 Acre Property backed by their own private lake and surrounded by neighboring lake vistas and rolling hills. Just an overall WOW property!
The home and land are managed and maintained by the fun and vivacious family of seven, not including the two lucky dogs River and and Calico cat, Olive.
The Project was to create a landscape that reflects the Reed's taste for the carefree, loose and natural style of plants, while marrying the great design elements of the home to the landscape and vistas.
Lucky for us, there were some great great large planters and urns cast about the property that we were able to utilize in the design of the overall landscape. They are fabulous pieces and just sent everything over the top while paying homage to the original owners and builders great style and taste!
Front of Home shortly after remodel
THE FRONT PLAN chosen by client from two design options
Front Planter filled with Asparagus fern, Heuchera, Asiatic Jasmine, Euporbia Glitz, and draping white Purslane
West Overview Before
West Overview After
Limelight Hydrangeas 'Little Hottie'
Encore Azaleas
Large Original Planter
West Side Entrance Planter Filled with Snow and Summer Jasmine, Asparagus Fern, Coral Bells and a hint of fall
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